15th April 1913
Scottish Football Council – Consolation Cup Problem
The Scottish Football Council met in Glasgow last night, when the chief business was the tabling of proposals of alterations in the rules for submissions to the annual general meeting fixed for May 6. Mr A.M. Robertson, of Stenhousemuir, the retiring president, occupied the chair.
The chairman asked whether the Council was prepared to drop the Consolation Cup Competition.
Mr Lindell (Queen’s Park) – Could we not make it more attractive?
Major Quirk urged that the competition be allowed to go on for another year. It would work out its own salvation.
The Chairman said that 95 per cent. of the clubs had lost money by the competition. It would lead to the ruin of many clubs.
Mr Ballantyne (Third Lanark) mved that the consolation cup be dropped.
Mr Clift (Brechin) seconded. The clubs in his district had lost money in each tie played.
Mr Kelso pointed out that a club could scratch if it did not desire to play. The consolation tie filled up a gap during the closing months, and tended to centralise the game.
The Galston delegate said that his club had drawn as much as õ8 from a consolation tie as against õ and ÷ from other matches.
Upon a decision, 15 voted for retention of the cup competition, and only two for dropping it out.
Ref: Aberdeen Press and Journal 16th April 1913
27th May 1913
Qualifying Cup Exemptions
At the first meeting of the new Council of the Scottish Football Association, held in Glasgow on Tuesday night, the following clubs were exempted taking part in next season’s Qualifying Cup competition – Celtic, Rangers, Queen’s Park, Partick Thistle, Clyde, Hibernian, Heart of Midlothian, Dundee, Aberdeen, Raith Rovers, Falkirk, Motherwell, Airdrieonians, Hamilton Academicals, St Mirren,
Kilmarnock, Third Lanark, and Morton.
Ref: Aberdeen Press and Journal 29th May 1913
Qualifying Cup First Round
Southern Counties
Sep06 5-2 St Cuthbert Wanderers v Mid-Annandale
Sep06 15-1 Nithsdale Wanderers v* Newton Stewart M’Call 7 goals
Sep06 10-0 Thornhill v Creetown Volunteers
Sep06 1-5 Dalbeattie Star v 5th K.O.S.B.
Sep06 2-1 Douglas Wanderers v Whithorn
Sep06 1-5 Tarff Rovers v Stranraer
Sep06 2-1 Dumfries v Solway Star
Sep06 1-1 Girvan Athletic v Lanemark
Sep13 2-1 Lanemark v Girvan Athletic
Sep06 3-3 Beith v Hurlford
Sep13 3-0 Hurlford v Beith
Sep06 1-0 Stevenston United v Ayr United
Sep06 1-5 Maybole v Galston
bye Annbank
Glasgow, Dumbartonshire, Lanarkshire, and Renfrewshire
Sep06 2-3 Babcock & Wilcox v Cameronians
Aug30 5-2 Renton v* Paisley Grammar School F.P.
Sep06 3-1 Johnstone v Royal Albert
Sep06 0-0 Vale of Leven v Dumbarton
Sep13 2-0 Dumbarton v Vale of Leven
Sep06 1-3 Wishaw Thistle v Arthurlie
Sep06 1-6 Paisley Academicals v Albion Rovers
Sep06 0-1 Abercorn v Dumbarton Harp
bye Dykehead
East of Scotland
Sep06 2-3 Bo’ness v Bathgate
Sep06 scr West Calder Swifts v Leith Amateurs w/o
Sep06 1-1 Armadale v St Bernard’s
Sep13 1-0 St Bernard’s v Armadale
Sep06 0-0 Broxburn Shamrock v Leith
Sep13 3-0 Leith v Broxburn Shamrock
bye Broxburn United
Border Counties
Sep06 w/o Peebles Rovers v Duns scr
Sep06 1-3 Gala Fairydean v Coldstream
Sep06 4-1 Vale of Leithen v Selkirk
bye Berwick Rangers
Sep06 1-2 Cowdenbeath v Kirkcaldy United
Sep06 2-2 Lochgelly United v Dunfermline Athletic
Sep13 1-1 Dunfermline Athletic v Lochgelly United
Sep20 1-2 Lochgelly United v Dunfermline Athletic at North End Park, Cowdenbeath
Sep06 1-0 Lochgelly v East Fife
Strilingshire, and Clackmannanshire
Sep06 4-1 King’s Park v Clackmannan
Sep06 1-1 Stenhousemuir v East Stirlingshire
Sep13 3-1 East Stirlingshire v Stenhousemuir
bye Alloa Athletic
Perthshire West
Sep06 scr Huntingtower v Crieff Morrisonians w/o
Sep06 8-0 St Johnstone v Dunblane
bye Tulloch
Perthshire East
Sep06 5-2 Stanley v Scone
Sep06 3-1 Blairgowrie Amateurs v Luncarty
Sep06 0-3 Vale of Atholl v Breadalbane
Sep06 3-0 Peterhead v Fraserburgh
bye Aberdeen University
Sep06 2-0 Montrose v Arbroath Amateurs
Sep06 2-1 Forfar Athletic v Arbroath
Sep06 0-2 Brechin City v Dundee Hibernian
North of Scotland
Sep06 4-1 Elgin City v Clachnacuddin
Sep06 3-2 Wick Academy v Buckie Thistle
Sep06 3-3 Inverness Thistle v Forres Mechanics
Sep13 6-1 Forres Mechanics v Inverness Thistle
bye Inverness Caledonian
Qualifying Cup Second Round
Southern Counties
Sep20 1-2 Stranraer v Dumfries
Sep20 1-1 5th K.O.S.B. v Douglas Wanderers
Sep27 0-2 Douglas Wanderers v 5th K.O.S.B.
Sep20 5-2 Nithsdale Wanderers v Thornhill
bye St Cuthbert Wanderers
Sep20 2-2 Annbank v Lanemark
Sep27 1-1 Lanemark v Annbank
Oct04 1-1 Annbank v Lanemark at Hurlford a.e.t. 1-1
Oct08 0-3 Annbank v Lanemark at Kilmarnock
Sep20 1-0 Stevenston United v Galston
bye Hurlford
Glasgow, Dumbartonshire, Lanarkshire, and Renfrewshire
Sep20 4-0 Dumbarton v Johnstone
Sep20 4-0 Dykehead v Cameronians
Sep20 0-0 Albion Rovers v Dumbarton Harp
Sep27 1-4 Dumbarton Harp v Albion Rovers
Sep20 3-1 Arthurlie v Renton
East of Scotland, and Border Counties
Sep20 4-1 Berwick Rangers v Vale of Leithen
Sep20 0-1 Bathgate v Broxburn United
Sep20 7-0 Leith v* Coldstream at Logie Green
Sep20 3-1 Peebles Rovers v Leith Amateurs
bye St Bernard’s
Stirlingshire, Clackmannanshire, and Perthshire
Sep20 6-0 Alloa Athletic v Breadalbane
Sep20 3-0 Tulloch v Stanley
Sep20 5-0 Crieff Morrisonians v Blairgowrie Amateurs
Sep20 4-3 East Stirlingshire v St Johnstone
bye King’s Park
Forfarshire, and Fifeshire
Sep20 2-1 Forfar Athletic v Lochgelly
Sep27 3-0 Dundee Hibernian v Dunfermline Athletic
Sep20 3-1 Kirkcaldy United v Montrose
Aberdeenshire, and North of Scotland
Sep20 1-2 Peterhead v Forres Mechanics
Sep20 1-2 Elgin City v Inverness Caledonian
Sep20 1-1 Aberdeen University v Wick Academy
Sep27 4-0 Wick Academy v Aberdeen University
Qualifying Cup Third Round
Southern Counties
Oct04 1-1 5th K.O.S.B. v Dumfries
Oct11 4-0 Dumfries v 5th K.O.S.B.
Oct04 2-5 St Cuthbert Wanderers v Nithsdale Wanderers
Ayrshire, Dumbartonshire, Lanarkshire, and Renfrewshire
Oct04 0-1 Dykehead v Albion Rovers
Oct04 5-1 Dumbarton v Hurlford
Oct11 2-3 Lanemark v Arthurlie
bye Stevenston United
East of Scotland, and Border Counties
Oct04 1-0 Leith v St Bernard’s
Oct04 0-3 Berwick Rangers v Broxburn United
bye Peebles Rovers
Stirlingshire, Perthshire, Forfarshire, and Fifeshire
Oct04 1-1 King’s Park v East Stirlingshire
Oct11 0-1 King’s Park v East Stirlingshire
Oct04 6-0 Alloa Athletic v Tulloch
Oct04 4-1 Forfar Athletic v Crieff Morrisonians
bye Kirkcaldy United, Dundee Hibernian
Aberdeenshire, and North of Scotland
Oct04 5-2 Inverness Caledonian v Wick Academy
bye Forres Mechanics
Qualifying Cup Fourth Round – These 16 teams qualified for the First Round proper
Oct18 1-2 Forres Mechanics v Inverness Caledonian
Oct18 0-2 Peebles Rovers v Leith
Oct18 3-1 Forfar Athletic v Alloa Athletic
Oct18 1-0 Kirkcaldy United v Broxburn United
Oct18 1-1 East Stirlingshire v Dundee Hibernian
Oct25 2-1 Dundee Hibernian v East Stirlingshire
Oct18 0-1 Stevenston United v Albion Rovers
Oct18 1-1 Dumfries v Arthurlie
Oct25 2-0 Arthurlie v Dumfries
Oct18 3-1 Nithsdale Wanderers v Dumbarton
Qualifying Cup Fifth Round
Nov08 1-1 Kirkcaldy United v Inverness Caledonian
Nov15 2-1 Inverness Caledonian v Kirkcaldy United
Nov01 1-0 Dundee Hibernian v Forfar Athletic
Nov01 1-3 Leith v Arthurlie
Nov01 0-3 Nithsdale Wanderers v Albion Rovers
Qualifying Cup Semi-finals
Nov15 3-0 Albion Rovers v Arthurlie
Nov29 1-1 Dundee Hibernian v Inverness Caledonian
Dec06 0-2 Inverness Caledonian v Dundee Hibernian
Qualifying Cup Final
Dec13 1-1 Albion Rovers v Dundee Hibernian at Tynecastle
Dec27 3-0 Albion Rovers v Dundee Hibernian at Tynecastle
Consolation Cup First Round
South of Scotland
Jan10 w/o Whithorn v Newton Stewart scr
Jan10 1-1 St Cuthbert Wanderers v Douglas Wanderers
Jan17 0-1 Douglas Wanderers v St Cuthbert Wanderers
Jan10 scr Tarff Rovers v Dalbeattie Star w/o
Jan03 4-2 Stranraer v Creetown Volunteers
Ayrshire, and Dumfriesshire
Jan10 2-6 Mid-Annandale v Solway Star
Jan10 5-0 5th K.O.S.B. v Maybole
Jan10 2-0 Girvan Athletic v Annbank
Jan10 6-0 Lanemark v Beith
Jan10 0-0 Hurlford v Galston
Jan17 2-2 Galston v Hurlford
Jan24 2-1 Galston v Hurlford at Galston
bye Thornhill
Glasgow, Dumbartonshire, Lanarkshire, and Renfrewshire
Jan10 5-2 Babcock & Wilcox v Paisley Grammar School F.P.
Jan10 0-3 Dykehead v Abercorn
Jan10 2-1 Vale of Leven v Royal Albert
Jan10 w/o Wishaw Thistle v Cameronians scr
Jan10 0-2 Renton v Johnstone
Jan10 5-0 Dumbarton Harp v Paisley Academicals
East of Scotland
Jan10 2-3 Broxburn Shamrock v Leith Amateurs
Jan10 2-3 Armadale v Bathgate
Jan10 2-0 St Bernard’s v Bo’ness
Border Counties
Jan10 5-1 Vale of Leithen v Coldstream
Jan10 3-1 Gala Fairydean v Selkirk
bye Berwick Rangers
Jan10 4-1 Dunfermline Athletic v Lochgelly
Jan10 1-0 Cowdenbeath v Lochgelly United
bye East Fife
Stirlingshire, and Clackmannanshire
Jan10 2-1 Stenhousemuir v King’s Park
bye Clackmannan
Jan10 2-0 Arbroath v Brechin City
Jan17 0-1 Arbroath Amateurs v Montrose
Perthshire, West
Jan10 w/o St Johnstone v Tulloch scr
Jan10 0-6 Dunblane v Crieff Morrisonians
Perthshire, East
Jan10 0-2 Vale of Atholl v Breadalbane
Jan10 w/o Blairgowrie Amateurs v Luncarty scr
Jan10 3-3 Stanley v Scone
Jan17 3-4 Scone v Stanley
Jan10 8-3 Fraserburgh v Peterhead
bye Aberdeen University
North of Scotland
Jan17 scr Wick Academy v Inverness Thistle w/o
Jan10 3-2 Elgin City v Buckie Thistle
bye Clachnacuddin
Consolation Cup Second Round
Ayrshire, Dumfriesshire, and Galloway
Jan24 7-2 St Cuthbert Wanderers v Dalbeattie Star
Jan17 scr Whithorn v Thornhill w/o
Jan31 8-1 Galston v Lanemark
Jan17 8-1 Solway Star v Stranraer
Jan17 3-1 Girvan Athletic v 5th K.O.S.B.
Glasgow, Dumbartonshire, Lanarkshire, and Renfrewshire
Jan17 1-0 Johnstone v Abercorn
Jan17 5-1 Dumbarton Harp v Babcock & Wilcox
Jan17 1-0 Vale of Leven v Wishaw Thistle
East of Scotland, and Border Counties
Jan17 4-2 Gala Fairydean v Leith Amateurs
Jan17 2-0 St Bernard’s v Bathgate
Jan17 4-0 Vale of Leithen v Berwick Rangers
Perthshire, Clackmannanshire, and Stirlingshire
Jan17 2-0 Crieff Morrisonians v Clackmannan
Jan17 6-2 St Johnstone v Stenhousemuir
Jan24 3-0 Blairgowrie Amateurs v Stanley
bye Breadalbane
Fifeshire, and Forfarshire
Jan17 3-1 East Fife v Arbroath
Jan17 0-0 Cowdenbeath v Dunfermline Athletic
Jan24 0-1 Dunfermline Athletic v Cowdenbeath
bye Montrose
North of Scotland
Jan17 scr Clachnacuddin v Aberdeen University w/o
Jan31 1-3 Inverness Thistle v Elgin City
bye Fraserburgh
Consolation Cup Third Round
North of Scotland, and Aberdeenshire
Jan31 1-1 Fraserburgh v Aberdeen University
Feb07 2-1 Fraserburgh v* Aberdeen University
bye Elgin City
Forfarshire, Perthshire, and Fifeshire
Jan31 6-0 East Fife v Crieff Morrisonians
Jan31 0-0 Breadalbane v Montrose
Feb07 0-0 Montrose v Breadalbane
Feb14 0-2 Breadalbane v Montrose at Perth
bye Cowdenbeath, Blairgowrie Amateurs, St Johnstone
Ayrshire, Dumbartonshire, Lanarkshire, and Renfrewshire
Jan31 1-0 Dumbarton Harp v Thornhill
bye St Cuthbert Wanderers, Galston, Solway Star,
Vale of Leven, Girvan Athletic, Johnstone
East of Scotland and Borders
Jan31 3-1 Gala Fairydean v St Bernard’s abandoned 50min storm
Feb07 1-3 Gala Fairydean v St Bernard’s
bye Vale of Leithen
Consolation Cup Fourth Round
North of Scotland
Feb14 1-3 Fraserburgh v St Johnstone
Feb14 1-0 St Bernard’s v East Fife
Feb14 4-1 Cowdenbeath v Elgin City
Feb21 0-4 Blairgowrie Amateurs v Montrose
South of Scotland
Feb14 5-1 Galston v Dumbarton Harp
Feb14 7-1 Vale of Leithen v St Cuthbert Wanderers
Feb14 0-2 Girvan Athletic v Vale of Leven
Feb14 3-3 Solway Star v Johnstone
Feb21 4-1 Johnstone v Solway Star
Consolation Cup Fifth Round
Feb28 6-0 St Bernard’s v Montrose
Feb28 1-4 Cowdenbeath v St Johnstone
Feb28 1-2 Vale of Leithen v Vale of Leven
Feb28 1-2 Galston v Johnstone
Consolation Cup Semi-finals
Mar14 6-2 St Johnstone v Johnstone
Mar21 0-2 Vale of Leven v St Bernard’s
Consolation Cup Final
Apr18 0-0 St Johnstone v St Bernard’s at Dens Park
Apr25 2-1 St Johnstone v St Bernard’s at Dens Park
First Round
Jan24 5-1 St Mirren v Inverness Caledonian
Jan24 1-3 Falkirk v Queen’s Park
Second Round
Feb07 1-0 Partick Thistle v* Nithsdale Wanderers
Feb07 5-1 Broxburn United v Dumfries
Feb07 1-0 Queen’s Park v Arthurlie
Feb07 5-0 Rangers v* Alloa Athletic
Feb07 2-0 Third Lanark v Dumbarton
Jan31 0-4 Kirkcaldy United v Stevenston United
Feb07 4-1 Aberdeen v Albion Rovers
Feb07 5-0 Airdrieonians v Dundee Hibernian
Feb07 1-1 Leith Athletic v Motherwell at Easter Road Park
Feb14 5-2 Motherwell v Leith Athletic
Feb07 2-0 Raith Rovers v Heart of Midlothian
Feb07 2-1 St Mirren v Dundee
Feb07 0-4 Forres Mechanics v Peebles Rovers
Feb07 0-0 Clyde v Celtic
Feb10 2-0 Celtic v Clyde
Feb07 1-1 East Stirlingshire v Forfar Athletic
Feb14 2-0 Forfar Athletic v East Stirlingshire
Feb07 1-1 Greenock Morton v Hibernian
Feb11 2-1 Hibernian v Greenock Morton
Feb07 3-1 Kilmarnock v Hamilton Academical
Third Round
Feb21 1-2 Aberdeen v St Mirren
Feb21 4-1 Third Lanark v Raith Rovers
Feb21 1-1 Airdrieonians v Queen’s Park
Feb24 2-1 Queen’s Park v Airdrieonians
Feb21 2-1 Hibernian v Rangers
Feb21 1-4 Kilmarnock v Partick Thistle
Feb21 0-5 Forfar Athletic v Celtic
Feb21 0-2 Broxburn United v Motherwell
Feb21 3-2 Stevenston United v Peebles Rovers
Fourth Round
Mar07 1-3 Queen’s Park v Hibernian
Mar07 1-0 St Mirren v Partick Thistle
Mar07 0-0 Third Lanark v Stevenston United
Mar21 1-1 Stevenston United v Third Lanark
Mar24 1-0 Third Lanark v Stevenston United at Cathkin Park a.e.t. 0-0
Mar07 1-3 Motherwell v Celtic
Mar28 3-1 Hibernian v St Mirren at Tynecastle Park
Mar28 0-2 Third Lanark v Celtic at Ibrox Park
Apr11 0-0 Celtic v Hibernian at Ibrox Park
Apr16 4-1 Celtic v Hibernian at Ibrox Park