BookThe Beautiful Dribbling Game
The Beautiful Dribbling Game
ISBN/EAN13:0995699801 / 9780995699809

Historical reference book on the Scottish F.A. Challenge Cup covering seasons 1873-74 thru 1899-1900.

This publication includes the most accurate and comprehensive round by round results collection for this period plus 500+ other references. e.g. early friendlies, S.F.A. formation, committee meeting protest decisions, more interesting match reports, rough play, accidents, injuries, deaths, fights, swearing, crowd encroachment, riots & brick throwing, horses on the field of play, rifle bullets whizzing over players and spectators, referee abuse, incompetence, pipe smoking & intoxication, walkovers, on field scratchings, abandonments, disputes & walk offs … and much more.

Book Extracts

Updates & Errata

Since publication of the book’s 1st Edition, new information and errata has been uncovered during further research. This is provided in the pdf link below:
Book updates

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